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“Share the cost with others and Save"


Co-op advertising is far a too underutilized method of small-business growth. Imagine getting other businesses paying for a part of a full-page ad you want to run in your Sunday paper or half of a television ad you want to make.

Sounds too good to be true? It’s not. Getting other businesses to help pay for your advertising is possible with co-op advertising.

Co-op advertising is a cost-sharing arrangement between a manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler, distributor and other business owners that pay for part of your advertisement.


The catch? In exchange for paying for a sizable portion of the ad, the other businesses or supplierrs will want the ad to mention its product or services.

When a grocery store advertises a certain brand of bananas, when a tire store features a famous tire in its ads or when a carpet company features a certain carpet brand, you're seeing co-op advertising at work.

It is a classic win-win​. For you, the small-business owner, co-op funds offer a variety of benefits:


They allow you to reduce the cost of your current advertising or allow you to advertise more.


Because co-op funds can usually be used in any medium (television, radio, print, online, phone directories and so on), it makes it possible to extend your brand into areas where you may not have had much reach previously.

Co-op ads increase overall awareness of your brand.​​​


They increase your sales, they increase your market share. Are there downsides to co-op advertising? Yes, but not many.

The main one is that the producers will probably have restrictions on how the ad must look, and how its product will be displayed. No big deal there, because each business will have the same professional look and content.

Most businesses today operate on a tight budget and advertising is what most of them cut back on. This can be a fatal mistake.

Why? Because “When business is good you Should advertise, but when business is slow you Must advertise”. ​


Many of our clients take advantage of our Co-Op marketing program.

How Co-Op Marketing Works!

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