With our prices, quality, and convenience, it's a complete no-brainer! While this offer is in effect, we urge you to purchase one of our commercials or video production plans. (just call to lock in the price -- you can take as long as you need getting your scripts written etc.), because we can guarantee that our prices have only one way to go -- and it's not down. You may end up saving thousands of dollars by purchasing immediately.
Special Video Production and Media Packages
Package (A)
04/ 2019
Includes thirty-second (30) Commercial production.
In-House Stock Video – Pictures - Music – Sound - Voice Over - Special Effects - Graphics and Air time.
Fox 2 News 2nd. Edition (10 runs)
Comcast Cable 5a - 12m
Rotation (40 runs)
Total runs (50)
Package total: $3,045.00
You can choose up to four cable networks to run your commercials on.
See example below.
Package (A)
Package (B)
04/ 2019
Includes thirty-second (30) Commercial production.
In-House Stock Video – Pictures - Music – Sound - Voice Over - Special Effects - Graphics and Air time.
Comcast Cable 5a - 12m Rotation (75 runs)
Total runs (30)
Package total: $2,685.00
You can choose up to four cable networks to run your commercial on.
See example below.
Package (B)

$500.00 Deposit
$500.00 Deposit

Customize packages are available for most budget. Let's talk!